Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Ghosts on Facebook

Steve Richards and his team have recorded what they believe to be the voices of several ghosts, ghouls and perhaps a goblin or two on tape recorders and have taken some pictures good enough to put up on Facebook.Read more..

Western Serbia's Vampire's Ghost

Sava Savanovic is Serbia’s most famous vampires. The story/legend is that he drank blood of the people who came to a small shack in the nearby dense forest made of oak trees to mill their grain on the mountain Rogatica river. Read more...

Portal on Glastonbury Tor?

The small Somerset town of Glastonbury, like its sister centre the Hebridean Isle of Iona, has enjoyed a celebrity status for some time now. Still a Mecca for those seeking spiritual insight, magic or other worldly dimensionality and, of course, host to the most famous and enduring music festival of them all. So how did it all come about, this self nominating of exceptionalness, a special place in England above most all others? 

Part of the answer lies with those naughty monks of the Abbey who in 1191 declared that they had found the bones of King Arthur and his Queen Guinevere – or phonetic ‘Queen of Air’ as the alchemical phonetic of the (Dan) Green Language prefer to call her. Given that these figures are more fantasy than real, we can confidently surmise that they didn’t really find such bones at all, but it didn’t stop them relocating and burying them in the Abbey’s chancery in 1278 in front of reigning and certainly for real King Edward and his Queen Eleanor at the time. This little incident added to the forthcoming consolidation of Grail Romance that was bolstered by equal assertions that no less than Jesus’ uncle Joseph (he of Arimathea) had arrived at Glastonbury bringing with him the Holy thorn legend upon Wearyall Hill. People, apparently, aren’t all weary of this tale. 


The Celtic Paranormal Necklace

The Celtic Collection Program is a non-profit educational living history corporation, located in Georgia, America. Our mission statement is to facilitate a better understanding of ancient Celtic society, history and artwork from a multicultural perspective. We specialize in historical research and feature educational presentations and living history models representing Native Americans, Hinduism, Celtic Christianity and ancient Celtic society. The Celtic Collection Models come from different faiths and cultural orientation. We also exhibit 10 ancient collections consisting of thousands of geological specimens and artifacts, but only one relic has caused more response than any of the others combined. Since we obtained the necklace, some of our models, staff and I have noticed a pattern of strange activity associated with it, especially for those that either touch or wear it during photo shoots and at our shows. Read more...

The Paranormal Equation

The Paranormal Equation is a new book by James D. Stein, attempting to provide a new scientific perspective on what many would consider to be inexplicable, supernatural phenomena. He begins by defining what he means by supernatural using the Merriam Webster dictionary of the term: “Of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe; especially: of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil.” Science, however, does not confine “observable” to “visible”--if we were stuck with constricting ourselves to the visible, then electrons, bacteria, radio, and x-rays would be considered supernatural phenomena, so it is not accurate enough. The second part of the definition of the supernatural the author visits is: “departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature,” and this, he states, is something that science can study, as transcendent laws have been hinted at by logical proofs provided by mathematicians over the past century--in particular, Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem. Read more...

Monday, 3 December 2012

Ghost Creature in Pennsylvania

Watch a strange ghost-looking creature standing near a deer in Alleghemy National Park, Pennsylvania. Read more….

Astral Projection

One of the most important things you must learn to do in order to have a successful out of body experience is to find a balance between being extremely aware and familiar with your surroundings, and also being able to completely ignore them. This may sound like a contradiction, but of course, in actual fact it is not. Read more…

Beast of Gevaudan

France experienced a panic in the 1760s when there were a numerous deaths associated to animal attacks credited to a mythical creature known as the Beast of Gevaudan. Read more…
Brotherhood of the Wolf

Paranormal Mirror

Illusions or Mirror tricks? Read some amazing stories about the paranormal, ghost and aliens at the link given below:

The Mothman

The mystery of who, or what, Mothman is has never been solved. John A. Keel, a paranormal investigator, wrote the best-known book on the subject, The Mothman Prophecies. Read more…

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Hollywood Horror

If humour is a litmus test of the human experience, horror can't be far behind. Read more...

Haunted Ohio Book Series

The ability to see ghosts is something Chris Woodyard says she's had since childhood.Her paranormal-packed personality lured Woodyard to pen the "Haunted Ohio" book series, which chronicles the state's freakiest locations and spookiest tales.Read more..

Extra-Terrestrials Exist

UK based online retailer FancyDressCostumes.co.uk has conducted a survey in which 1,095 respondents were asked to what degree they believed certain creatures, theoretical beings and religious figures exist.Read more...

Robbie Williams Meets Alien Abductees

Robbie Williams pulled out of a ghost-hunting trip to speak to people who had been abducted by UFOs. Read more...

Paranormal Activity in Savannah

For years, employees of Old Town Trolley Tours had bizarre experiences in a portion of the building where the Gribble house — the scene of the slayings — once stood. Read more...

Finding the Sasquatch

There’s two kinds of people in this world: Those who believe Bigfoot is real, and those who don’t. Idaho State University anthropologist Jeffrey Meldrum is firmly in the I Believe camp and he is taking to the skies, via blimp, in one of the most elaborate hunts yet to prove the doubters wrong.

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/11/11/scientist-sets-out-to-prove-sasquatchs-existence-via-blimp/#ixzz2BwN5DbJe

Sunday, 28 October 2012

FREE Ebook on Vampires for Halloween

October 30, 2012

Get a FREE EBook on Vampires for this Halloween

A collection of eleven short stories.
1.The Death of Reuben: A Vampire, a poisoned man and a psychotic killer. What do the three have in common?

2.The Sound of Rats: A woman with psychic powers and the hunger of rodents.

3.Son of Cyrus: The power of a Cyclop in the present age.

4.The Shape of the Claw: Prowling the city streets for adventure.

5.The Window Cleaner and the Werewolf: Saving a life and finding love.

6.The Stairway in the Mountain: Paranormal Investigators make an amazing discovery while on their quest for the unexplained and the supernatural.

7.The Angel in the Stone: An ancient curse, an angel and a Museum guard.

8.The Luxury Liner to Hades: Captain of the Death Ship taking its passengers to Hades.

9.Wigwams in Hyde Park, London: A Carnival of history in one place and the mystery is revealed.

10.Painting and loving the News: Erotic art of a beautiful News Reader.

11.Adam’s Visions of the Future: The simple Secret to Living the Law of Attraction.


Heaven is Real

When a neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander found himself in a coma, he experienced things he never thought possible—a journey to the afterlife. Read more..


As an educational nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) focuses most of its resources into providing the highest quality information available about NDE-related subjects. It is the only such membership group in the world.  Read more..


NDE Stories

Linda Zimmerman Ghost Investigator

Linda Zimmerman's website, a local author, and ghost investigator. She has a ghost blog, includes reviews, investigations and haunted highlights.Read more..

Sasquatch Zone

This site is dedicated to the collection and reporting of Bigfoot, Yeti, Yowie, Sasquatch, and Skunk Ape sightings, and other international sightings from around the world.Read more..
Sasquatch Zone 

The Vampires and Anne Rice

Discover the writings of Ann Rice and her Vampire Chronicles. Her books about the Rise of the Vampires makes interesting reading. Read more..

SETI Institute

When Lisa Webber heard a thump on her roof the night of October 17, 2012, she had no idea a meteorite was the cause. Read more..
The answer was at SETI
 What is SETI?
SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, is an exploratory science that seeks evidence of life in the universe by looking for some signature of its technology.

The J. Allen Hynek Center

The Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) is an international group of scientists, academics, investigators, and volunteers dedicated to the continuing examination and analysis of the UFO phenomenon. Our purpose is to promote serious scientific interest in UFOs and to serve as an archive for reports, documents, and publications about the UFO phenomenon. Read more...

UFO Museum

In July 1947, something happened northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, during a severe thunderstorm.
Was it a flying saucer? Was it a weather balloon? What happened?

This website helps you explore this UFO Incident, as well as other UFO incidents and sightings.Read more...

The Paranormal Librarian

Visit this site for all resources related to the Paranormal, UFOs, Ghosts, Demons,Aliens and the Unexplained..

Monday, 24 September 2012

Siberian Loch Ness Monster

Russian Geo-biologist Lyudmila Emeliyanova reports rather convincing evidence of an unknown creature, a population of creatures, living in a Siberian lake according to a Siberian Times Article. Read more...

Ghosts Who Know the Recipe for Pie

Trying to make contact with a ghost? The key to getting them to respond may be pie -- or at least a question about it. Read more..

Ghosts in India

Delhi is a spooky place – or so it is believed. Now the Indian Paranormal Society, and a travel company, Let’s Get Packing, have decided to explore haunted places in the Capital and also Mumbai, Kolkata and Bangalore.Read more...

The Ghost Zone in Malaysia

Like many other countries around the world, Malaysia has its share of ghost stories, mysterious folklore and intriguing superstitions about things that go bump in the night. Phng investigates things that go bump in the night

Haunted Auckland

There have been rumours for years. Whispers of more than just clothes and perfume lurking in the walls of Smith and Caughey's department store in Auckland. Read more...

New Ghost Box Video

View this new Video Footage of Paranormal Investigator Phillip Brunelle Talking To Real Ghosts Demons & Dead Spirit. Read more...

The Ghost in the Picture

Visit this site to view the Ten famous ghost pictures and discover the mysterious stories behind the photos. Read more..

Paranormal Photo Gallery

Visit the largest gallery of weird,eerie and scary ghost photos on the web...

Signs That Your House Is Haunted

You hear heavy footsteps in the upstairs hallway when you know no one is up there. Doors slam unaccountably. Commonly used items disappear and reappear without cause. The kitchen light turns on by itself.Read more...

Photographing Ghosts

The type and quality of the photo equipment you use can be important. Most people are using digital cameras these days, and although you don't need an expensive model, the higher the resolution the better. Cameras of low resolution can produce images with a lot of digital artifacts, especially in low light situations. Read more...

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Search for Haunted Locations

‘Haunted Collector’ seeks haunted locations for investigation. Do you know of a Haunted spot? Read more...

Matthew Herran Ghost Hunter

Matthew Herran of Aurora hopes to prove there’s life after death by hunting for ghosts. Read more...

Haunting at Silveus Plantation

Do ghosts exist?
Groton resident Carl Flowers was forced to confront after he invited ghost hunters to his old Kemp Street home to investigate the possibility that a disruption in the spirit world could be taking place there.

Read more: http://www.nashobapublishing.com/groton_news/ci_21489360/ghost-hunters-search#ixzz25zKclmHj

McDowell Family on "Ghost Hunters" Episode

Members of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) team recently helped one local family with their ghostly problem and viewers will get a chance to watch this week. Read more...

Monday, 27 August 2012

Spontaneous Human Combustion Explained?

Professor’s breakthrough on human combustion theory
A Cambridge professor has tackled the issue of spontaneous combustion – using belly pork. Read more...

True Ghost Tales

New ghost stories and other interesting things are added to the true Ghost Tales site every day!Visit the site and read the true ghost stories...

Priory House Ghost Hunting

The centre’s “haunting experience” leaflet says: “At least two ghosts are said to haunt this medieval building.

Boo! Is there a ghost of a chance that you might be brave enough to join in a paranormal probe at Priory House? Read more...

Quantico Ghost Hunter

A Quantico employee’s hunting skills got her onto a cable television show slated to air in October. But Jeanne Rector doesn’t hunt big game or enemy combatants. In her free time, this office assistant with the base Safety Division is a ghost hunter. Read more...

Weems-Botts Museum Ghost

Independent paranormal researcher David Bennett reports that he has captured a photo of one of the Weems-Botts ghosts in the gazebo located on the grounds. The figure appears to be a woman in period clothing, perhaps with a long skirt and a light colored shawl draped over her shoulders. Read more...

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Images of Ghosts

From murdered slaves to tortured hospital patients to forgotten sailors, ghost stories will send a shiver down most people's spines.Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2188507/Dont-turn-light-Terrifying-photos-ghosts-night.html#ixzz241w3dkzy

100 Ghost Street

100 Ghost Street is also gorier than your typical found footage ghost flick. That might be due to it feeling more like a found footage slasher flick much of the time. The real Richard Speck was mainly known for strangulation; ghost Richard Speck isn’t above throwing in a little disemboweling and dismemberment. Read more...

Reptilian Alien

Erica Goetsch on her positive UFO Reptilian alien experiences. Read more...

Haunted House in Christchurch, New Zealand

Earlier this year a family of six had moved into a two-story house in Avonhead. What’s interesting about this is that the house had a sordid past, a past they all were aware of.  Read more...

Friday, 10 August 2012

Free Kindle EBook Promotion-Saturday, Sunday-11, 12 August 2012

Free Kindle EBook Promotion-Saturday, Sunday-11, 12 August 2012
Get a FREE Kindle download of the latest collection of Paranormal short stories by Warren Brown.
A collection of eleven short stories:
1. The Death of Reuben: A Vampire, a poisoned man and a psychotic killer. What do the three have in common?

2. The Sound of Rats: A woman with psychic powers and the hunger of rodents.

3. Son of Cyrus: The power of a Cyclop in the present age.

4. The Shape of the Claw: Prowling the city streets for adventure.

5. The Window Cleaner and the Werewolf: Saving a life and finding love.

6. The Stairway in the Mountain: Paranormal Investigators make an amazing discovery while on their quest for the unexplained and the supernatural.

7. The Angel in the Stone: An ancient curse, an angel and a Museum guard.

8. The Luxury Liner to Hades: Captain of the Death Ship taking its passengers to Hades.

9. Wigwams in Hyde Park, London: A Carnival of history in one place and the mystery is revealed.

10. Painting and loving the News: Erotic art of a beautiful News Reader.

11. Adam’s Visions of the Future: The simple Secret to Living the Law of Attraction.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

New Book of Paranormal Short Stories on Kindle

I have just published on Kindle my new collection of, "Short Stories from Storydrome on Vampires, Magic, Love, Passion and Romance.

A collection of eleven short stories.
1.The Death of Reuben: A Vampire, a poisoned man and a psychotic killer. What do the three have in common?

2.The Sound of Rats: A woman with psychic powers and the hunger of rodents.

3.Son of Cyrus: The power of a Cyclop in the present age.

4.The Shape of the Claw: Prowling the city streets for adventure.

5.The Window Cleaner and the Werewolf: Saving a life and finding love.

6.The Stairway in the Mountain: Paranormal Investigators make an amazing discovery while on their quest for the unexplained and the supernatural.

7.The Angel in the Stone: An ancient curse, an angel and a Museum guard.

8.The Luxury Liner to Hades: Captain of the Death Ship taking its passengers to Hades.

9.Wigwams in Hyde Park, London: A Carnival of history in one place and the mystery is revealed.

10.Painting and loving the News: Erotic art of a beautiful News Reader.

11.Adam’s Visions of the Future: The simple Secret to Living the Law of Attraction.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Kris Fox's Paranormal Experience

Kris Fox is the man with nerves of steel - although when you're in the ghost hunting business this is somewhat of a professional necessity. Read more..

Fear of the Paranormal

When it comes to fear, it is experienced in all kinds of forms. Some people find haunted houses at Halloween scary others monster movies while others psychological thrillers. Read more...

Paranormal Workshops

Spirit adventures at the Clarkdale/Cottonwood Paranormal Workshop.

Risks of Paranormal Research

Ghost hunters and paranormal researchers: Is it worth the risks?
Read more..

Sunday, 8 July 2012


Add the FREE UFO Digest Android app to your phone for up-to-the-minute UFO news reports and videos. Read more...https://play.google.com/store/search?q=UFO+DIGEST&c=apps

283 UFO Cases in June 2012

California was the leading high-reporting state in June with 84 cases, up from 71 cases filed in June. Read more...

Off The Trails Paranormal Investigators of Florida

Offthetrails Paranormal Investigations is a five person team, based in Florida, with the mission of verifying or disproving claims of paranormal activity in private residences and public buildings. Read more...http://www.offthetrailsparanormalinvestigations.org/

"Being" Enters through Bedroom Wall

A Durham County, NC, witness reports a "ghostly outline with facial features" entered his second story bedroom from an outside wall on June 27, 2012. Read more...http://www.examiner.com/article/nc-witness-reports-being-enters-bedroom-through-outside-wall

Retired U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant who Liased with Aliens

After completing training, Sherman was assigned to an NSA Station on a military base where he was tasked to commence receiving telepathic messages from extra-terrestrials, and enter them into a computer terminal to transmit to NSA headquarters. Read more...http://www.ufodigest.com/article/retired-us-air-force-staff-sergeant-who-liaised-aliens-us-government-speak-liverpool

The Roswell Cover-Up

Senior CIA Officer Chase Brandon declared:
"I also absolutely know as I sit here talking to you that there was a craft from beyond this world that crashed at Roswell, that the military picked up remains of not just the wreckage, but cadavers."


Thursday, 5 July 2012

Highgate Ghost Town

Highgate could be turning into a ghost town, according to a paranormal investigator. David Farrant, president of the British Psychic and Occult Society, claims he was the first person to see a seven-foot-tall eerie spirit outside the gates of Highgate Cemetery in 1969 and “dozens and dozens” of sightings have been reported ever since. Read more...

Ghost in Perth

Ghostly apparition caught on camera at Perth tearoom hailed as best evidence of paranormal in 10 years. Read more...

No Ghosts for Joe Nickell

Professional paranormal investigator: There's no evidence ghosts or aliens exist. According to Joe Nickell, the paranormal is being promoted in a negative way with a logical fallacy called “an argument from ignorance.” Read more....

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Scary Ghost Pictures

Real ghosts? On the Ghost Pictures page, you will find lots of real scary pictures, interesting ghost pics and ghost images. Some of these scary ghost pictures have been tested by a number of paranormal and scientific investigators, only to come up with no answers or explanations. Read more...


Ghost in the Kitchen

When a Toronto resident suspected his cat of getting into the kitchen cupboards at night, he set up a camera in the kitchen to find out once and for all. View the video..

Ghost Sighting

View the Asian ghost sighting video....


The Savannah Ghost Video

This home video was shot in a cemetery by a boy vacationing in Savannah, Georgia with his family. A childlike figure can be seen running across the cemetery in the distance. Read more...

UFOs from Texas to Moscow

Do these allegedly unexplained objects stand up to expert scrutiny? Is it possible that, among the thousands of videos taken by people, maybe there's one "smoking gun" UFO that's really from another planet? Read more...

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Free Paranormal Stories- 4 Free Chapters

Enter a dark and thrilling world of dangerous magic and unforgettable romance. From an addictive vampire story set in a desolate future that will give Hunger Games fans their next pulse-racing adventure fix to a truly original historical tale with a unique fantasy twist, this collection from MIRA Ink is the perfect treat for paranormal lovers to sink their teeth into. With four FREE chapters from New York Times Bestselling authors Rachel Vincent and Julie Kagawa and up and coming paranormal stars Michelle Rowen and Kady Cross, it’s the perfect taste of our favourite YA fiction. ‘Katniss Everdeen better watch out,’ –Huffington Post on The Immortal Rules ‘Twilight fans will love it,’ –Kirkus reviews on My Soul to Take ‘Gorgeous angels, suspense and romance,’ – Richelle Mead, author of Vampire Academy on Dark Kiss ‘Kady Cross never disappoints,’ – Sherrilyn Kenyon

Monday, 18 June 2012

Debby Constantino Paranormal Expert

Here is another woman who will be at the Mid South Paranormal Convention, taking part in the Women in the Paranormal Workshop. Read a little bit about Debby Constantino! Read more..

"Fire Ball" Reports in America

Reports of orange colored or fireball-like objects over U.S. skies have been on the increase during the past year. Read more...

Ray Bradbury R.I.P.

UFO Digest Mourns the Death of Ray Bradbury.

Baltic Sea UFO

The so-called "Baltic Sea UFO" is in the news again this week after a research vessel returned to its co-ordinates and sent a team of divers down to the seabed for a closer look. Read more...

The Mystery of the "Walk-In" Soul

Are you a Walk-In? Has the soul you were born with been removed and replaced by a more advanced soul with a mission we can only dimly comprehend? Did you ever have a time in your life when you were severely depressed, only to suddenly be able to tap into a surprising flow of positive energy and newfound optimism? Read more...http://www.ufodigest.com/article/aliens-tibetan-mystics-they-might-truly-be-among-us-who-are-walk-ins

Women and Alien Abductions

"I’m in the basement of a house where I once lived. I am lying on a table in the middle of the room. There was no table in the middle of this room so first of all, this was out of place and I recognize this immediately. I am unable to move and I see two female Beings beside me."... Read more..

Paranormal Activity in New Zealand

Stories making headlines across New Zealand at noon include reports that aliens may have visited New Zealand recently. Read more...

Gregory Harold's UFO Evidence

Gregory Harold has a most interesting case that took place in Florida that has often been overlooked by those in the field. Read more...http://www.examiner.com/article/gregory-harold-has-compelling-evidence-of-ufos-and-aliens-on-surveillance-video

Video of "The Campfire" Alien

A video posted to YouTube claims to show an extraterrestrial alien lurking in the woods near unsuspecting campers gathering around a blazing fire. Is it fact? Or fiction? Read more...

UFO in Nebraska

An Omaha, Nebraska witness reports UFO activity on 17 June 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.Read more..http://www.examiner.com/article/holographic-like-ufo-hovers-over-omaha-nebraska

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Vampires in Bulgaria

Bulgarian archaeologists have unearthed centuries-old skeletons with iron rods through their chests - believed to have been victims of an old anti-vampire ritual. Read more...

Monday, 21 May 2012

Museums at Night 2012

Museums at Night seems to bring out the ghoulish side of some cultural venues, many of which like nothing more than frightening us half to death with tales of ghosts, ghouls and other mysterious spectres of the night. Read more...

The Florida Hunt for Big Foot

A bigfoot’s howl is multidimensional: a deep and undulating whoop that starts low and ends in a high, feral squeal or resolves completely, like a siren. Read more...

Ghost Box Recordings

Paranormal investigators have been using the ghost box, also known as a spirit box or Frank's Box, for quite some time now, but it wasn't until recently when Phillip Brunelle, founder of ATF Paranormal Investigations, uploaded his own ghost box sessions onto his YouTube channel, Mass Most Haunted, (Visit Channel Here) that the validity of the ghost box is being called into question by renowned doctors and scientists

Read more: http://technorati.com/technology/article/renowned-neurologist-paranormal-skeptic-addresses-the/#ixzz1vUkYkz3L

Haverhill Ghost Hunting

A ghost hunting group will be set up in Haverhill to make a television show about haunted areas around the town.Read more...

Wanganui Spirits

Stories making headlines across New Zealand at noon include reports that aliens may have visited New Zealand recently, ghosts have apparently been spotted wandering around Wanganui . Read more...

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Stephen Hawking and Time Travellers

Steven Hawking once threw a party for time travellers, he made the announcement public so that it could be found by any future historians who might live in a world when technology allows travel back in time. Read more...

Ghost Hunting Equipment

Paranormal investigation can be an expensive hobby. The cost of renting a building for the night and traveling to the location can add up fast, not to mention the cost of equipment.  Read more...

Start Your Ghost Hunting Group Today

With the weather warming up so is the interest in ghost hunting. I have talked to a number of ghost hunters and the following is a recommendation based upon their experience, passion for the industry and maybe most of all; a rational approach to the paranormal. Read more tips for starting your own ghost hunting group...http://www.cantonrep.com/community/blogs/paranormal_journeys/x1363490460/Ghost-Hunting-Tips

Ghost Hunting Tips and Techniques

The Ohio Ghost Observers Team have put together a lot of useful tip and techniques for Ghsot hunting. Read more...


Red Dead Redemption

They say Red Dead Redemption is haunted, you know. They’ve said it for years now — ghosts exist in the system, devils and spooks and spectors and maybe even a class-5 full-roaming vapour or two.
I’ve never encountered any ghosts in the game myself, but I’ve heard and read enough accounts that I’m willing to believe something spooky is going on. Read more...

Haunting of the Boston Pole Dancer

There’s a pole dancing studio on Boylston Street that’s garnering a lot of attention — and not because of its risque classes. Gypsy Rose is haunted by ghosts.Read more..

Haunted Pump House in Yuma

“Who are you? Why haven't you crossed over?” the four-person crew of the North Orange County Paranormal Society (NOPS) asked as they sat in a dark bedroom in the Pump House Friday night.
Read more: http://www.yumasun.com/articles/yuma-78988-one-ghost.html#ixzz1um7yzkXA

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Paranormal Powers

The idea of humans having an aura is an ancient concept and has been described in spiritual practices from Europe to Asia. 
Read more..


Evie is just a normal teenager, struggling to find her identity, but this isn’t another book about finding oneself. Evie works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency, which is like a police force, but for paranormal creatures. Read more...

Paranormal Romance

Crescent Moon Press has released a ‘little moon’ from author Lynn Rush called “Prelude to Darkness,” a prequel to her novel “Wasteland” which sets the stage for the paranormal romance Wasteland Trilogy.

The Ghost Box

There's a paranormal tool that's been used by ghost hunters for the past couple years, known as the ghost box.

Read more: http://technorati.com/entertainment/article/ghost-box-paranormal-tool-reveals-compelling/#ixzz1uJQcZGVH

The Paranormal Book

Chip Coffey demystifies the paranormal with his new book. In "Growing up Psychic: My Story of Not Just Surviving but Thriving and How Others Like Me Can, Too," the Lilburn resident shows how children with psychic abilities can develop and take charge of their gift. Read more

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Haunted Italian Market

For Taresa Goldman, co-owner of Tonini's Italian Market in Berwyn's Depot District, the proof that her store is haunted was in the cheese, not the pudding. Read more…

Haunted Eureka Springs

Hundreds of people go to Eureka Springs in Ark. each year expecting to see a ghost, either in their guest room or on ghost tours the hotel offers frequently.Read more…

Edge of Darkness

If you’ve ever had the feeling that you’re not alone, it could be that you’re not. Read more..

Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures

Kicking off the new season is an investigation at Denver’s historically haunted Peabody-Whitehead mansion. Built in 1889, its first owner Dr. William R. Whitehead was convinced the building was plagued by the spirits of hundreds of soldiers he tried to save from his days as a surgeon for the Confederate Army during The Civil War.

Monday, 5 March 2012


The sight of small blonde girls watching television is guaranteed to strike fear into the heart of anyone who has watched the movie Poltergeist.http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13563-theyre-here-the-mechanism-of-poltergeist-activity.html

Schoolgirl Exorcists

The five teenage girls might look like they're in a normal class, eagerly reading their textbooks and answering their teacher's questions diligently.
But the textbooks are Bibles and the girls all have crosses instead of protractors, as they train to become exorcists - real exorcists who fight demons, curses and evil spells.

Immortal Mortals on Smashwords

This is an interesting collection of nine short stories which contain a variety of themes and situations. The first story is the New Year Guardian and helps to think about Guardian Angels. Immortal Mortals is about the story of a roadside artist and a librarian and how life can change one stroke at a time. There is a small collection of Christmas stories each having a little hint of the Spirit of Christmas in our lives. The Last Hunter and The Rebel and the Princess of Kashmir are set in Colonial British India. This is a period I like to read and write about, having grown up in India and belonging to the Anglo-Indian community. Anglo-Indians are the only minority Indian community in India of British Indian origins, who have English as their Mother tongue and who are Christians. The collection ends with the Christmas Time Traveller, where the magic of Christmas goes time travelling.         
This Ebook is now available on Smashwords

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Paranormal Tours of Castlewood

Join Spirited History Investigations, a team of professional paranormal investigators as they explore the rich history of Castlewood during the month of January.http://www.villagenewsonline.com/node/7218

Ghosts of North Platte

Is one of North Platte's most historic buildings haunted? A team of paranormal investigators wants to find out.    

Staffordshire Ghost hunting

After many year investigating a group of experienced investigators joined forces to create Paranormal Events UK


Are Ghosts Really Here?

Harriman's Temperance Building

Ghost-hunters encamped overnight with high-tech gear in the city's oldest building claim they took a photo of a "full-bodied apparition" as well as recordings of ghosts talking.

Streiber and the Paranormal

In his new book, "Solving the Communion Enigma: What Is to Come," author Whitley Strieber tries to explain the strange happenings surrounding his life since he wrote "Communion" 25 years ago.