Sunday, 23 November 2014

Alien Photo from 1947

A 1947 image of an Alien Autopsy in Roswell has emerged which is now being claimed as a real photograph. UFO expert Tom Carey claims to have been given the images by an agent from a US intelligence agent who operated during the Second World War. Read more...

Nessie' s Head Photographed

A leading paranormal investigator, Jonathan Bright, turned monster hunter has photographed what appears to be Nessie’s head emerging from the waters of Loch Ness. Read more...

Paranormal Scottish Festival

The first Paranormal Festival was launched in Scotland at Stirling. The event will feature all paranormal enthusiasts and investigators. Read more....

The Paranormal and Psychology

Science has an explanation for the paranormal and for psychic phenomena, which can be easily explained. Read more about the link between psychology and the paranormal....

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Extra-Terrestrial Artwork In A Box

A mysterious box has been discovered in trash with extra-terrestrial sketches.There are illustrations of winged creatures with human hands and so many intricate drawings and designs. Are these drawings the result of a crazed mind or someone who had vivid paranormal extra-terrestrial experiences? Read more...

When Sci-Fi Meets Fantasy- The World Trembles

There are a new breed of writers who are now creating new stories about extra-terrestrials, as well as elves and goblins who want to destroy the human race. Read more about this great new group of literary talent who are making a big difference in the Sci-fi and Fantasy genres. Read more.....

Courtesy: The Independent

The Destructive Power of Paranormal Myths

St. John's Anglican Church was burnt to the ground as a result of all the negative feedback and rumours about spirits, cults and with paranormal investigators taking parts of the Church as souvenirs. It was an accidental fire according to reports. Read more about the destructive power of rumours, myths and stories about the paranormal.

Courtesy: Huffington Post

The Paranormal Phenomenon Grows in Lehigh Valley

If you would like to start your own paranormal group and need assistance, then visit Paranormal Societies Online:

Stephen Slapinsky had a life changing moment one Halloween night in 2001 when he went ghost hunting with friends to a cemetery. He heard the giggling of children to eventually discover with his torchlight that he was surrounded by the tombstones of children.

This supernatural experience inspired Stephen to start the Lehigh Valley Organization of Supernatural Studies.

There are a total of 11 Paranormal groups in the Lehigh Valley region. The TV show Ghost hunters on SyFy has been responsible in a major way for encouraging so many others to take to paranormal studies and research.

Lights Out Paranormal is another group started by Jim Willing and his electrician friend Chris LaBarge in 2008.

Debbie Berger has been involved with Paranormal Research for over thirty years now. Debbie is the Founder of Valley Paranormal Research.

Courtesy: Lehigh Valley Live

Sunday, 12 October 2014

30 UFOs over Merseyside

30 UFOs spotted over Merseyside over a ten year period. The Ministry of Defence received reports of 1,999 UFO sightings between 2000 and 2009.

Courtesy: Liverpool Echo News

North East Extra-Terrestrials and UFOs

People in the North East of England believe that there are extra-terrestrials living with them. Twenty six reports of extra-terrestrials have been filed with authorities since 2000.

Courtesy: Chronicle Live

Evolution of Life-forms on Earth

The evolution of life-forms on Earth, will now be studied by seven research teams, who work at Ames Research Centre in Silicon Valley. This is part of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute’s work, with a budget of a whopping $50 million dollars for five years of research.

Courtesy: CBS San Francisco Bay Area News

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Pope's Astronomer and Extra-Terrestrials

Pope's Astronomer Believes In Extra-Terrestrial Life, while the Pope Says Martians will be welcome to the Church. Read more...

Here Comes "Extra-Terrestrial"

Alien Abduction gets scary in 'Extraterrestrial' the new Horror Thriller movie. Watch the Trailer...

Peter Sacco on Hauntings

Peter Sacco is a psychologist who writes on a variety of topics, including haunting, spirit possession, and poltergeists. He has a unique perspective as both a psychologist and an investigator of these strange phenomena. Read more...

Courtesy: The Epoch Times

Amish Hauntings

There is a new television show which re-enacts the “Amish hauntings, " with a kid and a pig's head. Read more...


Boscobel Paranormal Tour

Join paranormal investigator Linda Zimmerman; author, police detective and paranormal investigator Mike Worden; and psychic and psychometrist Barbara Bleitzhofer as they lead groups on a ghost-hunting tour of historic Boscobel on Oct. 22 and 23, 2014. Read more...

Courtesy: The Journal News

Ghost in a Police Station

Police are investigating a ghost who has trespassed their police station in New Mexico. Read more....

Monday, 15 September 2014

Paranormal Conference- Winnipeg 2014

The Paranormal Conference in Winnipeg (Winnipeg Paracon 2014) will feature everything imaginable from UFOs to extra-terrestrials this weekend.

Courtesy: CBC News- Manitoba

Scottish Paranormal Festival

Stirling will host the first Scottish Paranormal Festival, from the 30 October to the 2 November 2014.The four day festival will feature exhibits and lectures on the paranormal, UFOs and extra-terrestrials.

Courtesy: BBC News

Paranormal Diaries

Win a copy of the free DVD on Paranormal Diaries: Clophill on DVD if you enjoy watching movies about real hauntings.

Paranormal Quad

Quad is offering a new exhibition on the supernatural over the next two months. The exhibits will feature a number of supernatural and paranormal phenomena.
Courtesy: Derby Telegraph

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Science Fiction and Reality

Is there any fact behind all the science fiction movies which we have seen over the years? Read more the find out if the truth is out there....

Best UFO Hot-Spots

Read the list of the ten best UFO hotspots in the world...
Courtesy: Radiotimes

The Truth about Extra-Terrestrials

We have always wondered if there was extra-terrestrial life, now the time has come to discover if the truth is out there....


Ghosts of Torbay

This week a pair of security guards captured what appears to be the image of a ghost in the area of Tappers Cove.

Ghost Believers

People all over the world still believe in ghosts. There are so many individuals and groups still investigating the paranormal globally, so there just has to be some truth in the existence of ghosts.

Courtesy: The Atlantic

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Robin Williams R.I.P.

The world mourned the death of the world famous comedian Robin Williams. Now it seems that the ghost of Robin Williams is haunting his house, by playing practical jokes, or so it seems...

Robin Williams R.I.P.

Ghost Python

This family thought their home was haunted, until the "ghost" turned into a slippery ten foot python.....
Courtesy: The Mirror

Quantum Ghosts

Scientists have created ghosts cameras. Quantum cameras capture ghost images by making use of two separate laser beams that have their photons entangled. Read more...

Ghosts of Stanley Hall

Was that a guest or a ghost? The latest news now is that Guests mingle with ghosts at the historic Stanley hotel.,20470360/

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Ghost Photos and Videos

Visit Ghost Study Today
Here's what you get:
1. A New Video Every Week!
2. Full Photos plus Enhancements!
3. We Zoom In for a Better Look!
4. See them Here before the Gallery gets them!
2. All Video's under 2 Minutes Long!

The Haunted Home of the Simpsons

A cameraman was scratched and burned by a ghost while filming a possessed Pennsylvania property according the the homeowners Deanna and Tom Simpson who have lived at the Maple Avenue, Hanover, home for seven years.

Read more: 

Courtesy: Daily Mail

Friday, 8 August 2014

The Ghosts of Beauvoir

These paranormal investigators are ready to investigate the ghosts of Beauvoir. There are several groups of South Mississippians who claim that Beauvoir not only houses relics from Jefferson Davis' time on the Gulf Coast -- they say his family and Confederate soldiers still wander the grounds of the historic home.

Courtesy: Sun Herald

Hull's Underwear Stealing Ghosts

A lady who lives in Hull, was forced to move seven times, due to the presence of underwear stealing ghosts, who made her life quite a misery.

Courtesy: Hull Daily

Drink the Spirits of Celebrities

Now the finest distilleries have created Spirits named after ten dead celebrities. You can now drink a toast with a Marilyn Monroe Vodka or a Humphrey Bogart Gin, this weekend.

Courtesy: The Spirits Business

Twin Planets Discovered

The discoveries of twin planets, which are ten billion years old have boosted the possibilities of extra-terrestrial life.

UFO Artifact

The world is left wondering if this strange artefact actually fell out of a UFO as claimed by Bob White.

Courtesy: Skeptic

UFO over Germany

A strange looking triangular spacecraft was seen hovering over Germany. Watch the video and decide for yourself if it is real or a fake, as it leaves the experts baffled.

Courtesy: Huffington Post

Thursday, 19 June 2014

The NASA Extra-Terrestrial Communication Book

NASA has released a new book on communicating and understanding how Extra-terrestrial communications would work in the future.

Courtesy: SPLOID

Twenty Years To Find Extra-Terrestrials

An Astronomer has informed Congress that it will be possible to find extraterrestrials in 20 years.

Larry Coudriet and The Extra-Terrestrials

Larry Coudriet holds a mechanical engineering degree from Carnegie Mellon University and he will talk about the experiences he said he encountered during a June 26 discussion in Sewickley Public Library.

Read more: 

Courtesy: Bobby Cherry

Musicians and Ghosts

There are at least six musicians who have seen ghosts and have hired ghost hunters to solve the problems of ghosts in haunted mansions. Demi Lovato, Kesha and Susan Boyle are just a few of the musicians with a ghost in their life...

Ghost of Alcatraz

A British Tourist couple claim to have photographed a figure of a ghost in the prison of Alcatra with their iphone. There have always been rumours of ghostly sightings, but is this concrete evidence of the presence of ghosts in Alcatraz?

Ghostly Webcomic Agnes Quill

Astronaut Academy creator Dave Roman writes each of the stories, about a Victorian girl who sees Ghosts, an ability inherited from her Grandfather in the new webcomic Agnes Quill.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

The Chief Golden Light and Extra- terrestrials

Chief Golden Light Eagle tells of his experience meeting extraterrestrials (Star People.)

Extra-Terrestrials Undercover

In a gripping testimonial, an ailing former member of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has talked via video for the first time publicly about his experience dealing with extraterrestrials, their craft and a cover-up.

Paranormal New Jersey

The Paranormal New Jersey Society do a lot of interesting work and research. The members of the New Jersey Paranormal, a paranormal research and investigation group, gather evidence at the Caldwell Parsonage House in Union, NJ, on Saturday, May 17, 2014. Read all about their exciting discoveries and their work.

South Africa's Ghost Hunters

In Pretoria, South Africa, the Gauteng Paranormal Society (GPS) paranormal team gather solid evidence of the paranormal, the GPS uses electromagnetic field (EMF) meters, digital video and still cameras, night vision telescopes, digital audio recorders and laptop computers.


Spooked, the new paranormal comedy, is a  four-episode weekly web series follows a ragtag group of ghost hunters who team up to form the Paranormal Investigation Team (P.I.T.) and investigate supernatural happenings across the country.  

Paranormal Festival

The Scottish Paranormal Festival, is scheduled to take place in Stirling over Halloween. The festival, which runs from 31 October to 2 November, is being organised by Peter Broughan, the film producer behind Rob Roy and The Flying Scotsman.

Paranormal Research or Psuedoscience

Is paranormal research a pseudoscience? According to scientists the paranormal is associated too closely to religion and so scientist prefer to call it a pseudoscience.

Courtesy: Huffington Post

Making the Paranormal Believable

Can you make others believe in paranormal events? According to modern psychology, there is a way in which you can convince others to believe in the paranormal.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Can the Paranormal Be Taught

A San Antonio School says that it can teach students about the paranormal in class.Is this really possible?
Courtesy: Fox 29

Ghost Tales

Read this great collection of ghostly tales.
Courtesy: Spiritual Living 360

Aiden Sinclair the Illusionist

Aiden Sinclair a paranormal illusionist scared a North Carolina news anchor by making her scream and jump up in fright.
Courtesy: My Fox 8

The Paranormal Ghost-buster Business

This family has started a Ghostbuster business which began as a hobby. The Cranfields of Nottingham are sensitive to all happenings related to the paranormal.
Courtesy: Nottingham Post

Paranormal Exeter

Some town workers of Exeter are convinced that spirits are lurking in the Exeter Parks and Recreation building, and now a team of paranormal investigators, a production crew and 15 local residents with little experience in ghost hunting are planning to take over the building for a pilot TV series to be called "Paranormal Reaction."
Courtesy: Sea Coast Online

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Paranormal Conference

Hundreds of paranormal enthusiasts are expected to converge in Butler County on April 5, exploring the great unknowns including Bigfoot, UFOs and ghosts.

Proving the Existence of the Paranormal

A growing number of scientists are calling for a shift in scientific methods to acknowledge phenomena commonly experienced but difficult to study according to conventional methods.

Courtesy: The Epoch Times

The New Hampshire Store Ghost

Is This Store Haunted? Ghost 'Experts' Investigate Paranormal Activity in New Hampshire Shop.

Courtesy: Christian Post

Lesley Wood Paranormal Instructor

In the first session of her psychic development class, instructor Lesley Wood introduced her small group of students to an assortment of topics ranging from ghost hunting to clairvoyance to spirit guides.

Courtesy: Mercury Lifestyle

Amy Bruni Ghost Hunter

Amy Bruni offers advice for new paranormal investigators.

Courtesy: Examiner

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Paranormal Investigation Course

Herkimer County Community College will be offering Chasing Shadows 101, a noncredit paranormal investigation course. The class will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays for eight sessions, starting March 5. Participants will learn history and ethics as well as experience paranormal investigations.
Registration deadline is Feb. 28.

Read more:

Courtesy: utica

Paranormal Alex Cayas

Meet Mr Cayas the man behind Paracon Australia – Australia’s only paranormal conference.
The conference will feature lectures, panels and workshops on a range of topics from Time travel through to the global crop circles and UFOs.

Courtesy: The Maitland Mercury

Paranormal America

More than two-thirds of Americans hold at least one paranormal—unsanctioned by religion—belief, according to the Baylor Religion Survey. Read this interesting article by Shannon Fischer...

Courtesy: Pacific Standard- the Science of Society

UFO Hotspots of London

There are Ten UFO Hotspots in South East London and North Kent. Dartford, Bromley and Forest Hill are favourite places for alien craft to visit, according to the UFO sightings of the National Archives.

Aliens and Leadership

This is an interesting article from Forbes by Geoff Loftus. It seems that in the movies ,"Alien" Sigourney Weaver becomes a true leader and depends on her own abilities and skills to fight the Aliens who are threatening Earth. Read about the Leadership Skills you can develop in no time at all to fight those darn Extra-terrestrials.....

Thursday, 20 February 2014

20th Century Celebrates Alien

20th Century Fox is pulling out every conceivable stop to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the seminal classic Alien,
Read more: 

Alien Structures on Mercury

Grainy digital images presented as evidence of structures constructed on the 400C surface of Mercury. Read more...

Lorrie Moore's Aliens

Lorrie Moore writes stories about space aliens. The stories tend to take one of two forms: the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Read more...
Courtesy: the Atlantic

Atheist Aliens

Richard Dawkins has tweeted that alien civilisation will be so advanced they won't be religious.

Courtesy: The Guardian

Unmasking Aliens

If you have ever wondered if you have an alien implant in your body then Pane Andov could be your go-to man. Read more..

Courtesy: Daily Telegraph

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

School of Ghosts

Students from a popular Corporate Area high school in Jamaica say that evil spirits from a nearby cemetery have been plaguing their place of learning. Read more...

Courtesy: The Jamaica Star Online

Twenty Five Ghosts in an English Pub

CCTV footage shows a ghost, which was taken at Bolton’s "Ye Olde Man and Scythe Pub" which can trace its history back to 1251 and is said to be haunted by up to 25 ghosts, including James Stanley, the seventh earl of Derby who was beheaded nearby during the civil war in 1651; a woman who committed suicide in the pub’s cellar; an eight-year-old girl; and even a phantom dog. Read more...

Monday, 17 February 2014

Ghosts of White Hart Inn

Scottish Ghost Adventurers in Edinburgh spent a night at The White Hart Inn in the Grassmarket after being spurred into action by a picture taken by Aussie tourist which appeared to show an apparition among the regulars at the bar.

Courtesy: Edinburgh News

Tsunami Ghosts

"I met a priest in the north of Japan who exorcised the spirits of people who had drowned in the tsunami. The ghosts did not appear in large numbers until later in the year, but Reverend Kaneda’s first case of possession came to him after less than a fortnight. He was chief priest at a Zen temple in the inland town of Kurihara. The earthquake on 11 March 2011 was the most violent that he, or anyone he knew, had ever experienced. The great wooden beams of the temple’s halls had flexed and groaned with the strain."

Book Extract: Ghosts of the Tsunami by Richard Lloyd Parry (London Review of Books)

Aliens 2040

Intelligent Alien Life Could Be Found by 2040.

The search for alien life-forms started in 1960, but has since progressed technologically in leaps and bounds.

Parapsychological Research at the University of Virginia

The Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) at the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine is a fascinating place. Founded in 1967 by Dr. Ian Stevenson—originally as the Division of Personality Studies—its mission is “the scientific empirical investigation of phenomena that suggest that currently accepted scientific assumptions and theories about the nature of mind or consciousness, and its relation to matter, may be incomplete.”

Meet Sydney Sherman Paranormal Author

Paranormal author Sydney Sherman will be featured in the "Discover Local Authors" event at the Groton Senior Center on Thursday, Feb. 20, at 6:30 p.m.

Ghost Hunter in “Welles House”

Infamous Welles House will be the subject of investigation this weekend headed by Tim Wood, David Spinks and John Zaffis. Read more..

Photo Courtesy: Before Its News

Paranormal Night at Fort Mifflin

Fort Mifflin is an historic site steeped in not only American history, but paranormal activity. Originally commissioned in 1771, the fort is located on the Delaware river, just below Philadelphia. Read more…

Photo Courtesy: Wikipedia