Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Paranormal Investigation Course

Herkimer County Community College will be offering Chasing Shadows 101, a noncredit paranormal investigation course. The class will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays for eight sessions, starting March 5. Participants will learn history and ethics as well as experience paranormal investigations.
Registration deadline is Feb. 28.

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Courtesy: utica

Paranormal Alex Cayas

Meet Mr Cayas the man behind Paracon Australia – Australia’s only paranormal conference.
The conference will feature lectures, panels and workshops on a range of topics from Time travel through to the global crop circles and UFOs.

Courtesy: The Maitland Mercury

Paranormal America

More than two-thirds of Americans hold at least one paranormal—unsanctioned by religion—belief, according to the Baylor Religion Survey. Read this interesting article by Shannon Fischer...

Courtesy: Pacific Standard- the Science of Society

UFO Hotspots of London

There are Ten UFO Hotspots in South East London and North Kent. Dartford, Bromley and Forest Hill are favourite places for alien craft to visit, according to the UFO sightings of the National Archives.

Aliens and Leadership

This is an interesting article from Forbes by Geoff Loftus. It seems that in the movies ,"Alien" Sigourney Weaver becomes a true leader and depends on her own abilities and skills to fight the Aliens who are threatening Earth. Read about the Leadership Skills you can develop in no time at all to fight those darn Extra-terrestrials.....

Thursday, 20 February 2014

20th Century Celebrates Alien

20th Century Fox is pulling out every conceivable stop to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the seminal classic Alien,
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Alien Structures on Mercury

Grainy digital images presented as evidence of structures constructed on the 400C surface of Mercury. Read more...

Lorrie Moore's Aliens

Lorrie Moore writes stories about space aliens. The stories tend to take one of two forms: the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Read more...
Courtesy: the Atlantic

Atheist Aliens

Richard Dawkins has tweeted that alien civilisation will be so advanced they won't be religious.

Courtesy: The Guardian

Unmasking Aliens

If you have ever wondered if you have an alien implant in your body then Pane Andov could be your go-to man. Read more..

Courtesy: Daily Telegraph

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

School of Ghosts

Students from a popular Corporate Area high school in Jamaica say that evil spirits from a nearby cemetery have been plaguing their place of learning. Read more...

Courtesy: The Jamaica Star Online

Twenty Five Ghosts in an English Pub

CCTV footage shows a ghost, which was taken at Bolton’s "Ye Olde Man and Scythe Pub" which can trace its history back to 1251 and is said to be haunted by up to 25 ghosts, including James Stanley, the seventh earl of Derby who was beheaded nearby during the civil war in 1651; a woman who committed suicide in the pub’s cellar; an eight-year-old girl; and even a phantom dog. Read more...

Monday, 17 February 2014

Ghosts of White Hart Inn

Scottish Ghost Adventurers in Edinburgh spent a night at The White Hart Inn in the Grassmarket after being spurred into action by a picture taken by Aussie tourist which appeared to show an apparition among the regulars at the bar.

Courtesy: Edinburgh News

Tsunami Ghosts

"I met a priest in the north of Japan who exorcised the spirits of people who had drowned in the tsunami. The ghosts did not appear in large numbers until later in the year, but Reverend Kaneda’s first case of possession came to him after less than a fortnight. He was chief priest at a Zen temple in the inland town of Kurihara. The earthquake on 11 March 2011 was the most violent that he, or anyone he knew, had ever experienced. The great wooden beams of the temple’s halls had flexed and groaned with the strain."

Book Extract: Ghosts of the Tsunami by Richard Lloyd Parry (London Review of Books)

Aliens 2040

Intelligent Alien Life Could Be Found by 2040.

The search for alien life-forms started in 1960, but has since progressed technologically in leaps and bounds.

Parapsychological Research at the University of Virginia

The Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) at the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine is a fascinating place. Founded in 1967 by Dr. Ian Stevenson—originally as the Division of Personality Studies—its mission is “the scientific empirical investigation of phenomena that suggest that currently accepted scientific assumptions and theories about the nature of mind or consciousness, and its relation to matter, may be incomplete.”

Meet Sydney Sherman Paranormal Author

Paranormal author Sydney Sherman will be featured in the "Discover Local Authors" event at the Groton Senior Center on Thursday, Feb. 20, at 6:30 p.m.

Ghost Hunter in “Welles House”

Infamous Welles House will be the subject of investigation this weekend headed by Tim Wood, David Spinks and John Zaffis. Read more..

Photo Courtesy: Before Its News

Paranormal Night at Fort Mifflin

Fort Mifflin is an historic site steeped in not only American history, but paranormal activity. Originally commissioned in 1771, the fort is located on the Delaware river, just below Philadelphia. Read more…

Photo Courtesy: Wikipedia